Child Care Workers Union Local 2779

Child Care Workers Union AFSCME New Jersey Local 2779

YES! I accept membership in the Child Care Workers Union AFSCME Local 2779, AFL-CIO

† By providing my cell phone number I consent to receive calls (including recorded or autodialed calls, or texts) at that number from AFSCME and its affiliated labor, political and charitable organizations on any subject matter. My carrier’s rates may apply. I may modify my preferences by emailing [email protected] or calling the Union at 609.586.9093.

By signing this card I authorize AFSCME New Jersey Local 2779, Child Care Workers Union (CCWU) to be my exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining and I agree to abide by its Constitution and Bylaws.

Note: Payments to the union are not deductible for income tax purposes as charitable contributions, although they may be deductible as business expenses in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.